Friday, July 30, 2010
pictures of me. pictures of you.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

- Random: Sunshine. Friends. University/Students. This "Trailer".
- Music: "Something Good Can Work" by Two Door Cinema Club. "Come Home" by Amatorski.
- Movie: 'Twilight Saga: Eclipse'. 'The Notebook'. 'If Only'. (chick flicks, I know xD)
- Book: "Talk Talk" by T.C Boyle
- Color: Red/Orange/Pink Mix. (you'll get a virtual cookie if you know which color I mean^^) Beige. Dark Brown.
- Actor: Jackson Rathbone. Ryan Gosling. Kip Pardue.
- Accessoire: vintage owl earrings. different necklaces.
Monday, July 26, 2010
plus size fashion role model: Nikki Blonsky
„Good Morning Baltimore!“
Who hasn’t seen the movie „Hairspray“, please leave this blog, watch it and come back afterwards. For all the others, you know about whom I am talking: Tracy Turnblad!
Well, she has been played by the gorgeous Nikki Blonsky who is a pretty plus size girl.
The movie itself is a hymn to all plus size girls and women on planet earth and shows that weight shouldn’t prevent you from fulfilling your dreams. And that being slim doesn't automatically mean that you are happy. Neither should your skin color be a topic of discussion, but that everybody is equal. (If I continue, it will end in a rant xD)
After the hype around „Hairspray“ stopped, it went quite quiet around Nikki Blonsky (maybe because Hollywood still holds tight to their skinny ideals of beauty, who knows?!).
I thought I could start something like a revival for pretty Blonsky because I like her a lot. She always smiles and brightens her surrounding wherever she is. Being big never seemed to bother her much (at least when you see how she presents herself in public) and she seems to feel at ease in her body.
I searched her best outfits (in my opinion) on the Internet and made a collage, so here you go:
Hope you like it x)
See you later alligator. x]
P.S: What do you think about Nikki Blonsky? Have you seen Hairspray and did you like it as much as I did (as in dance around and know the songs by heart xD) or didn't you? Let me know, please =)
Friday, July 23, 2010
pretty in geek. xD

Thursday, July 22, 2010
from the rascal who owns this. x)