Tuesday, September 14, 2010

update. (I guess)

At the moment, I am terribly lacking time...=/ My day needs to have more than just 24h so that I can do everything I need to get done. Everything gets a little out of hand because I don't know with what to start when everything has priority.

Yesterday, university started and I realized that this week is the last one where I will actually have something like free time. On monday the courses will start and there are 10 obligatory courses which are spread on 5 days (and each of the courses are min. 2 times a week for 2 & 1/2 hours) on some days I even have to stay until 8pm x_X but, oh well,
I still want to do it.

In a few days, my bestie Leslie will leave for Potsdam, Germany to do her 'abroad semester' for 6 months. I am glad for her but at the same time a bit sad because I won't have her around until february and it will be a terrible long time. So there are still things to be done before and about her departure, which I can't mention here because she reads my blog ;)
I ♥ you xD

Today is my 22nd birthday. I don't know what to think or say about it. It's just me turning a year older; I can't even remember what I did the last year, except going to school. Today I'll celebrate it with my family and on thursday I'll have dinner with my friends. I hope that this afternoon I'll be in a better mood than I am right now...I feel a bit emotional but I don't know why...Like I need to have a good weep or something. I don't know...o.O Anywho,
Happy Birthday to me n_n

P.S: Hadas, if you might read this, Slicha Al Ha'Ichur, Ani Echtov as soon as I get the time to do it!=) I haven't forgot about you, don't worry x)

1 comment:

disco said...

HappPPpy birRrrthdayYYy, darl! *hugs*

Oh, I hope you'll do cheer up. I'm sure you'll feel better once you're surrounded with family and friends. xoxo