Thursday, September 30, 2010

all in one. xD

Too much happened and I don't know how to put it all in words. So, let the pictures do the talk, shall we?=)

! Hanging around forbidden places xD we survived, so whatever^^ !

Blue Blazer: Zara
Stripey t-shirt: H&M
Dark Blue Jeggings: H&M
Black Suede shoes: Zara


! Traditional Medieval Fest in my town x) it got very busy and hard at some point, but it was fun^^ !

Cardigan: H&M
White top: H&M
Layer-Flower-Dress: Zara
Key-Necklace: Six
Bag: H&M
Mocassins: H&M

* Whipped-Cream-Vanilla-Ice-Cream-Choco-Milk FTW! *


White-Flower-Blue-Dress: we
(I'll take a picture of it once in a while so that you can see how gorgeous it is n_n)
Black Top: C&A
Necklace: Viventy
Earings: Six

!!! Happy 22nd Birthday to me xD !!!


! 1st day of University xD !

Red Bow Headband: from my bestie Leslie
Red Jacket: can't remember
White Sweater: idem
2-Sided-Owl-Necklace: six
Black "Pump" trouser: H&M
Red Flats: New Yorker


! Hanging around and fooling in a friend's students residence^^ !

Everything except the necklace is H&M x)


! 'Welcome Back' Party in a Student Residence xD Much Fun and nice memories^^!

Black & White Bow Jacket: H&M
White Top: M&S
Black 'Slim Leg' Pants: H&M
2-Sided-Owl-Necklace: six
Black Suede Shoes (you can't see, except in the very 1st pic): ZARA


See you later alligator. x]

Becky ♥

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

update. (I guess)

At the moment, I am terribly lacking time...=/ My day needs to have more than just 24h so that I can do everything I need to get done. Everything gets a little out of hand because I don't know with what to start when everything has priority.

Yesterday, university started and I realized that this week is the last one where I will actually have something like free time. On monday the courses will start and there are 10 obligatory courses which are spread on 5 days (and each of the courses are min. 2 times a week for 2 & 1/2 hours) on some days I even have to stay until 8pm x_X but, oh well,
I still want to do it.

In a few days, my bestie Leslie will leave for Potsdam, Germany to do her 'abroad semester' for 6 months. I am glad for her but at the same time a bit sad because I won't have her around until february and it will be a terrible long time. So there are still things to be done before and about her departure, which I can't mention here because she reads my blog ;)
I ♥ you xD

Today is my 22nd birthday. I don't know what to think or say about it. It's just me turning a year older; I can't even remember what I did the last year, except going to school. Today I'll celebrate it with my family and on thursday I'll have dinner with my friends. I hope that this afternoon I'll be in a better mood than I am right now...I feel a bit emotional but I don't know why...Like I need to have a good weep or something. I don't know...o.O Anywho,
Happy Birthday to me n_n

P.S: Hadas, if you might read this, Slicha Al Ha'Ichur, Ani Echtov as soon as I get the time to do it!=) I haven't forgot about you, don't worry x)

Friday, September 3, 2010

if you are awesome... should enter Mavy's (from dialogues with a fruitcake) 38 follower mini giveaway =) it's open to everyone around the world, so you should grab a heart and follow this amazing Australian lady x)
"But how can I enter?" is the question you are asking, well it's pretty easy:

2. tell Mavy a funny story of yours in the comments

and with a bit of luck, you'll be the winner of her awesome giveaway n_n

Prices: 1 set of portable & foldable speaker cubes and 3 purse packs of lavender & rose scented soap leaves
Deadline to enter: 13th of September

Good luck =)

See you later, alligator. x]

Thursday, September 2, 2010

OOTD: Blue & Red (a.k.a H&M ftw)

This is what I wore yesterday but I was home so late that I decided to post it today n_n

Red Bow Headband (got it from my bestie^^), Black sweatshirt (underneath), RED dress (it's NOT Orange), Dark Blue cardigan, Black tights, Dark Blue sneakers, Camel Brown Bow "leather" bag
=> everything H&M

Actually this outfit was 'created' around the shoes, as poor as this may sound, but I bought them and thought about "How and with what exactly can i wear them?" and since I own this cardigan in the same color... I wanted some color in this because dark blue is a bit gloomy, so I added my red dress and my red bow headband... et voilĂ  xD Although my brother made fun of me and said I look like a little girl (which was subconsciously intended, I guess), I still like it and will wear this again, no matter what he or somebody else might say =)

Coins-Pearl-Feather-Bow-Necklace: Springfield

So today's my Daddy's 50th birthday, I got to go now and get him something very nice for his birthday =) the actual party is yet to come, so today is just my Dad&Mom, my siblings and me =)

See you later alligator. x]